Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thrifty #6

Mansfield Projector With Surprise

I found a Mansfield Ultra 8mm Projector at the Goodwill last week, which is interesting because I also have a Mansfield 8mm camera which I blogged about earlier. That is probably the only reason I bought this, because it sort of completes the set. Now that I have the projector I think I might have to try and shoot some 8mm film.

This is a fairly simple looking and working projector, there are not any sort of bells or whistles and the styling is fairly simple and modern. It will probably sit closed up in the closet unlike the slide projector I found earlier which has a spot on my shelf.

The cover is a little worse for wear and has a few scratches on it but mostly it's in decent shape. The cover also holds all the cords and a spare spindle.

When I first tried to plug this in and get it to work it seemed that a pulley had come off and the gears were not spinning, the light worked and the motor worker but the film gears would not spin. I decided to take the back cover off to try and fix it when I found something hiding back there. 

There was a little white box sitting back in there. At first I thought it might be instructions or a manual for the projector. It turned out to be a film. 

So I set it aside and went back to fixing the projector because now I had to see what was on that film. The problem did turn out to be that the rubber pulley had just come out of its track and now everything seemed to be working like it should.

So I was wondering just what was on that film, there was no title or writing on the box. I could tell by looking at the film strip that it probably was not a home movie, which would have been awesome. It would be great to find a film of someone's Christmas morning or something like that. But no, it turned out to be a porno, which is a pretty amazing find in its self. 

The "plot" of the film seemed to be that this woman was having trouble with her phone or something and a repair man comes over to "fix it" for her. It seems to be from the 60's or 70's and the color is really bad and I think the projector still needs some fine tuning because it seemed to be running a little slow. No, I didn't finish the film it actually broke in a few spots and I think it might be too old or worn out to be watchable. 

I would say that this is probably the most interesting and surprising thing I have found so far. I wonder how long that film had been hiding behind there or how many times this projector has traded hands without someone knowing about it. It's funny how people hid things like that. You can see more pictures here.

Mansfield Ultra 8mm Projector at Goodwill - $4.99
Hidden Free Porno - Priceless

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