Sunday, March 21, 2010

Something I Saw Today

The Crow Master

Today as I was driving down Mercer I saw a guy with a cloud of crows swarming around him. At first I though they might be dive bombing him but then I saw that every few steps he took he tossed bread crumbs out in front of him. The crows wound land and start eating, then as he was walking toward them, they would take off fly above or around him and land to continue eating. Once they finished they would start all over again. There had to easily be about 50 crows swarming around him. Maybe he just likes crows, or maybe he was training them and trying to gain their trust so one day he can use them. Maybe this guy has some larger plans, with enough crows he would have a virtually impenetrable shield of crows swarming around him. With the right toss of bread crumbs he could direct his crow cloud of death anywhere within throwing distance. 

The Crow Master must know of his arch nemesis, the Squirrel Master. For years these two have been plotting against each other for control of the garbage cans all across the parks in Seattle. One day there is sure to be an epic battle of crow cloud vs squirrel army. The crow master has a lot more training to do, although his crow cloud grows stronger and larger every day, the Squirrel Master's army is already much further along in their training and ability. 

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