Saturday, March 20, 2010


No, You've Got The Wrong Person

On an average week I get as many wrong number calls as I do right number calls. I never answer any number that I don't know so they always just go to messages. Sometimes people don't leave messages but sometimes people do. I usually never call them back and tell them they have the wrong number, I usually hope that they figure it out after the first time. Most people do, but there are some people that just don't seem to understand that they have the wrong number. I just hope that they go away, I guess that most times I wait too long and it would be awkward to tell them that they have been calling the wrong number for the past month.

I use to get texts all the time with short messages from people I didn't know, there were often like "do you want to go get the car?" and then  "when are we going to go get the car?" and  "dude, car? wtf?" Then I would sometimes get messages that all its said was "WGW" I use to get one about once a week. Thankfully those have stopped now.

I had one crazy lady that kept calling and leaving messages for her daughter a while back. It got to the point where I finally answered and told her she had the wrong number. She didn't believe me and thought I was her daughter's new boyfriend that was trying to come between her and her daughter. She finally stopped calling. Now I am getting messages from some lady in Texas that thinks my name is Michelle. I'm thinking the next time she calls I might answer and make up some story on Michelle. 

Now I always seem to get a lot of spam email but it's mostly to my spu email account, but lately I have been receiving some interesting emails in my gmail account. People are sending emails to me addressed to Ian Gill, but a different Ian Gill, this Ian Gill. Mostly the emails have been about the new book I supposedly wrote called All That We Say Is Ours. How do these people even get my email address, I don't understand. There are a lot of Ian Gill's in the world as it turns out and there even is another Ian Gill artist over in England. You can see his web site here. A few years ago there was a shooting on Capital hill in a house where a Ian Gill lived and after that I had people asking me if I was alright, yes it wasn't me. You can read the article here. Thankfully I own and one day soon plan on developing it and then hopefully regain my reign as the dominate Ian Gill in the world, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.

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