The Fortress Of Solitude
The past few months I have been redecorating my apartment. I have slowly been working on each section at a time but I'm thinking its almost to the point where I'm happy with it. My bedroom still has a lot of work but its mostly just cleaning and organizing. I should have taken a before and after picture to compare but I never did and its been a fairly slow process. I do have some pictures of when I first moved in a few years ago. It actually looked like this for quite a while when I was still a student because I spent most of my time in the art center and not a whole lot of time at home so I didn't really care what it looked like. It's actually really strange to look back at these pictures now, I hardly remember it being like this.
For this post the pictures will be fairly small because there are so many, but just click on it and it should asplode up.
So here is the before.
And here is the after.
Pretty much all the furniture in the old picture is gone except for the speakers and stereo. The couch is at the dump, the shelf went to the neighbors, the small table is gone, tv went to the goodwill, carpet gone, ugly shades gone, but interesting I still have the same blankets and pillows.
So I have a new couch thanks to my sister, a new rug from Ikea, new wall shelves to hold some books and some of my metal work, and my camera collection, new paintings and bells on the wall thanks to my grandma and the good will, and some old hand drills up there as well that were my dad's. Still some empty space that I need to fill with something, maybe some of my prints or drawings.
I also got some new blinds that are much better then the old fabric ones from the 70's. It seems that even with all this shelf space I still need more, but I don't really have any more wall space. So that is pretty much it for the living room section of my apartment now lets move to the den, all you really have to do is turn around and your there. I had put up this wall shelf about a year ago and it was really when I started to transform my apartment to a more suitable living space. There was pretty much nothing here before it was usually where I threw my bag when I came in the door and also where I put items that needed to go to the trash or the recycling. Now it holds a lot of random crap in all those boxes and in the drawers below. Its nice having those storage places where I can just throw a bunch of crap in and its out of the way and still looks clean. The shelf holds a lot of old items that I have collected or others have collected and I was given, mostly from my dad and my grandma.

Ok, now lets move into the office space, just turn around again. This desk use to hold my computer but has been my work station for a few years, about a year ago I started to really organize it and arrange things so it would be easier to work. I have a lot of hand tools and now they all have their own place in the desk, I know where everything is and I can easily get to it. It had made working so much easier when I don't have to stop and look for a tool, I can just reach and grab it. The desk does get fairly cluttered at times but mostly it looks like it does in the pictures. I am usually working on ten pieces at a time though so I always have various tools sitting out at the ready. Above the desk is more storage space that molds some materials and other random crap. There is also an air filter so the rest of my apartment doesn't get all dusty. There are also some of my plaster pieces and a place where I keep all my spray paints and stains. I have a bunch of lights on this desk which makes working a lot easier. As well as my desk there is also my file cabinet which holds some files but mostly it holds various materials I use to make my stuff. I rescued this file cabinet from the dump while I was working at spu. On top of it sits another book shelf which holds mostly art books of various sort, so it is kind of my studio library.

So that's pretty much it, I guess the rest of the apartment will have to wait for another time.