Sunday, January 8, 2012


Facebook Page

So I created a facebook page, I'm still not exactly sure why or even if I will use it all that much but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm still trying to figure it all out myself but if you would like to like it i guess you like go to the page and like click the like button or something. To go to the page just type in Ian Gill in facebook search and look for my page or just go here. I think it should be visible to everyone . If not then I need to figure that out.

I guess having a page will let people I'm not friends with follow me, for some reason. I'm still trying to figure out the whole linking up etsy and the page so that when I post an item in my etsy it will show up on that page, i think you can do that. Even though I don't really understand it much I figured I should do it to help people who would like to keep on top of my etsy and flickr and vimeo stuff have one place to go and look and then share it with others as well. I guess that's what it is for. It kind of goes in to my goal this year of getting my work out there more and letting people know better who I am and what I make. So far I have been keeping true to my goal of blogging every day and I have also been making at least one ring a day, mostly 2. It's been over a week so far and there have been some nights I didn't think I would make it to blog or have time to make a ring but I just bite the bullet and do it. I'm getting pretty fast at making rings too, and I'm back in the swing of blogging so I guess that is good.

So anyway, if you want to join my facebook page that cool, I guess. Maybe I'll figure out how to make it better and more user friendly but for right now it's pretty sparse.

P.S. Here is a completely random video to watch

Style Ledger takes a look at American manufacturing, with a focus on the Martin Greenfield factory in Brooklyn.

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