Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What I'm up to.

I have been working on a sculpture for Lead Pencil Studio since November, and will probably be for the next few months. It similar to their Bellevue College piece which I helped build last summer and you can see a video of here. The form we are building this time is the negative space of a Billboard. This piece will be placed at the new border crossing that will be built up at Blaine. It will be located in sort of a no mans land between the border crossing and at first you will approach it head on and the idea is that you will visualize the sky as being the Billboard. So in this sense it will continuously be changing. The road will curve around this piece so you will get to see the piece at varying angels. The only way to really see this piece will be to go through the border crossing because you will not be able to walk up to it.

Here is a picture of one of their sketches.

It's a little hard to tell scale from the picture but the rough dimensions are 40feet wide by 30 feet high and 3 feet thick. The section I have been making for the past few months in the one in the center where you can see the outline of the columns for the billboard. The entire structure is made up of the same diameter stainless steel rod at varying lengths. The outline of the columns and walkway are achieved by building up a plain of rods giving the impression of an object.

Here are some pictures of that piece.

You can see we build it in this "mold" to make it easier to keep everything flat on the sides. You can also see the outline for the walkway for the build board. There are hundreds of hours of work on just this section alone, and we still have the two larger side sections to build.

This picture lets you see just how thick it is, plus you can see the outline of one of the columns. I'll will keep posting updates on this piece as we finish each section. It's scheduled to be installed up at Blaine sometime in September 2010.

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