Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Vintage Salt and Pepper Ducks

I set up Google Analytics for my etsy shop, it’s actually a pretty amazing program. With it I receive info on how many visitor I have to my shop, where they are from, what they’re looking at and for how long. It also lets me know how people are finding my stuff whether it be through etsy or a referral through another site or a search engine. Also it lets me know what keywords searches through search engines bring people to my stuff, but for some reason my top keywords don’t seem to relevant to my stuff.

Here are my Top 6 keywords.

1. Irish chainmail
2. Mobiles kids
3. Quarter bracelet + etsy
4. Seattle shop chainmail
5. Stud iphone case
6. Vintage salt and pepper ducks

Some of these just don’t make sense, vintage salt and pepper ducks? Why the hell would any of my stuff come up in that search?

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