Friday, February 26, 2010

Something I Saw Today

So I think I am going to start sharing certain things I see throughout the day. This wont be a daily thing, just a thing I will do when I see something I want to share. Sometimes there will be pictures other times not. My first Something I saw Today post will start off with something I saw a few months ago.

So a few months back I was walking to John Grade's studio in the international district when I saw a truck drive by towing a boat trailer. On that boat trailer was a giant coke bottle made up of aluminum coke cans flattened and randomly placed. I thought it was a strange thing to see at the time. I wondered where it was going and what it was for. That was until today when I was walking to Pottery Northwest to help out John on his new project. As I walked by key arena I saw this through the window.

I am fairly certain this it the same thing I saw on the trailer. I was just surprised to come around a corner and there it was hanging there. I can't find any information about it online so I don't know if this was a commissioned piece or who made it. Its obviously an advertisement display but I still love the pattern of the coke cans placed together. So maybe this is not a great "Something I Saw Today" post, but I was just surprised to see this thing again.

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