Sunday, February 28, 2010
Something I Saw Today
These Are The Songs Of My Life
I heard this song for the first time today on the radio, its from Rocky Votolato's new album.
This song really speaks to me in my life right now. Will it in a few years? I don't know. I use to have a lucky coin that I would always carry with me but I acidentially gave it to a homeless man outside of Dicks one night. He probably won the lottery or something. But I think I have found a new lucky "coin". Its one of my dad's brass work tags that I found on the sidewalk by SPU. I don't know how long it had been there, or why it was there. I carry it with me now so hopefully its good luck.
Here are some other songs that have lasted the test of time with me.
This might be my favorite song of all time.
This is one of my new favorites that I just can't seem to hear enough of. I always crank the volume up super loud and sing along with this one.
Theres not much music from the 80's that I listen to over and over again, but this song it the exception. I think its the harpsichord that I love the most.
Then there is Johnny Cash's cover of the Nine Inch Nails song Hurt. I want this song played at my funeral.
So many more songs I could list, I guess this is just a small glimpse into the music I love.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Something I Saw Today
So a few months back I was walking to John Grade's studio in the international district when I saw a truck drive by towing a boat trailer. On that boat trailer was a giant coke bottle made up of aluminum coke cans flattened and randomly placed. I thought it was a strange thing to see at the time. I wondered where it was going and what it was for. That was until today when I was walking to Pottery Northwest to help out John on his new project. As I walked by key arena I saw this through the window.
I am fairly certain this it the same thing I saw on the trailer. I was just surprised to come around a corner and there it was hanging there. I can't find any information about it online so I don't know if this was a commissioned piece or who made it. Its obviously an advertisement display but I still love the pattern of the coke cans placed together. So maybe this is not a great "Something I Saw Today" post, but I was just surprised to see this thing again.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thrifty #3
The camera was in perfect working order but the only thing missing was the battery cover, but a piece of tape serves that purpose well.
It came with a canon FD 50mm 1:1.8 lens. Which is a great walk around camera as well a a great portrait camera. This seems to be the most popular fd lens for canon. I seem to see this lens at the goodwill all the time. I have not found many any other lens with a fd mount. I have never seen another canon lens besides this one. I figure people are still using them. I did find a Vivitar 3x Telephoto converter with a fd mount about a month ago. That turns my 50mm into a 150mm. It even came with a nice leather caring case.
So then I combined the Vivitar telephoto converter with this Soligor lens and that now gives me a 750mm lens. And it looks like this.
Vivitar Tele converter with case $3.99
Soligor 250mm lens $9.99
Cat Boutique
1. japanese chainmail cube (good)
2. etsy ian gill (good)
3. bracelet leaf linked (not really sure)
4. buy cameos cabochons (what?)
5. cat boutique (umm wtf?)
6. flying heart with wings necklace (?)
7. hanging kitchen towels' (no)
8. ian gill sculpture (good)
9. irish chainmail (good)
10. mercury jane designs (who?)
Maybe Google is trying to tell me what I should start making. The Google is wise, maybe I should obey the google and open up a cat boutique.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Production Preview
Etsy Buy Handmade IanGill |
I love creating one off unique pieces but I need to start making some money. I have decided to create easily producible yet individually unique pieces. I don't like the idea of creating exact copies and selling then over and over again, so these will be limited series each with its own number. I would like each of these pieces to range from $20 to $30.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
John Smith
"The story of one life, told through the lives of people from all over the country, all named John Smith. Baby John Smith is 11 weeks old, in South Carolina, and his parents are still reeling from the sonograms that all predicted he would be a girl. By the time he's 23, John Smith in Laramie, Wyoming, has made some mistakes and is appearing in front of a judge. At 46, he's in Texas, welcoming his oldest son back from Iraq. In-depth portraits of people growing up, growing old, and figuring out how to be fathers, husbands, and men in America today."
Here is the trailer for season 2 of This American Life on TV
Monday, February 22, 2010
Uwajimystery #2
I bought the Lychee flavor because I have had lychee before and I sort of like it. The first wiff of this stuff did not smell too much like lychee. It smelled more like the juice that is left over in a can of black olives. It sort of looks like the juice that is lift over in a can of black olives. More so it even tastes like the juice that is left over in a can of black olives, but with little floaty chunky bits of flavorless gelatin. I guess there is some small trace of a mint flavor to the jelly, not much else though. I guess if you like to chew what you drink this might be the beverage for you, otherwise I would avoid.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
You can see more pictures here.
Thrifty #2
I love the Art-Deco styling of this camera. Its a mass produced super simple functioning camera made from molded plastic. There is one aperture setting, one set shutter speed, and one focal length. Its basically a stylized pinhole camera with one simple lens. You are able to take long exposure shots but there is no place to fasten a tripod and no remote shutter control.
Its built for 620 film but they don't make that anymore. So I think I am going to try and convert it to 35mm film. I will have to make some new spools and tape up the seems, I think this thing bleeds a lot of light.
I love the view finder of this camera, that's where it gets the hawkeye name. You can easily view what you shooting even holding the camera at waste level, although it is reversed.
Great find at only $3.99. More pictures here.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What I'm up to.
Here is a picture of one of their sketches.
Here are some pictures of that piece.
You can see we build it in this "mold" to make it easier to keep everything flat on the sides. You can also see the outline for the walkway for the build board. There are hundreds of hours of work on just this section alone, and we still have the two larger side sections to build.
This picture lets you see just how thick it is, plus you can see the outline of one of the columns. I'll will keep posting updates on this piece as we finish each section. It's scheduled to be installed up at Blaine sometime in September 2010.
I think its because I really like duets. In most songs you have to imagine who their singing to but in duets their singing back and forth to each other. So I'm not sure if I like this song because its a good song or just because I like duets.
Here are some more duets I love to listen to all the time
One of my favorite songs/underrated bands of all time.
And of course how can you go wrong with this paring.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Paris, Texas

Paris, Texas
Also this movie has Dean Stockwell in it. Remember Al from Quantum leap? Remember Quantum Leap? And like in Quantum Leap he always seems to be smoking in every scene. I wonder if he had some sort of contract with big tobacco.
Here is the opening scene to the movie.
Here is another great clip from the movie, from a completely random scene.
Now go and watch this film.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Uwajimystery #1
Collon comes in four choices of flavors, Green Tea Collon, Strawberry Collon, Cream Filled Collon, and Chocolate Collon. I only tried the Green Tea Collon and the Strawberry Collon, I thought Strawberry Collon was fairly good. I bet Chocolate Collon is really good. They are bacially a crispy wafer with a cream filling.
How they came up with the name I'm not sure. Don't these companies have some sort of representative checking to see if the name of their product is too close to something you would not want to associate with a tasty treat.
I guess you could enjoy your Collon with some Asse and and finish it off with a Plopp.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Some things remind me of other things.
The second half of this song when the piano solo starts reminds me of every 70's or early 80's movie I have ever seen. Movies like Bad Boys, Benji, Rocky, or Warriors. I think it reminds me of those moments in the movie where it breaks away to a video montage of people playing in a park or someone riding on a subway. I'm not really sure why it reminds me of this.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Bloom: The Elephant Bed Install from Ian Gill on Vimeo.
"For the Whatcom Museum, John Grade will suspend a forest of bell-shaped sculptures from the Lightcatcher’s new twenty-six-foot-high gallery. Visitors can walk through and explore these dynamic forms that will change over time. During the course of the exhibition, several sculptures will be lowered into a pool of inky-black water where they will slowly dissolve. Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 10. This is when the remaining pieces will be cast into the Bellingham Bay after a public procession." Whatcom MuseumI would recommend that anyone go see this show. Seeing the pictures of this piece is one thing, but actually being in that space and surrounded by the towering structures completely changes what you think of them. Just be sure you don't walk into the pool of black ink.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Thrifty #1
I found a old school projector at value village last week. Its a School Master 300 series with remote, that about all I know about it. I could not find to much info online about it. Everything still works great and it even came with its own storage box. You have to load each slide individually, this is not a carousel slide projector. Also you can load a film strip and with each press of the button it pulls the film through to the next slide. I'm not sure you can even order slide film this way anymore. I put some of my slides and film strips through and it works quite well. I love old machines like this, there is something about the simplicity of design and also the quality of its construction. I doubt any slide projector built today will last as long as this one has. I'm going to try and come up with some creative ideas I can use this for. I think it was a great find for only $11.99
You can see some more photos of this find here.
Post about Posts
Sundays - not sure yet.
Mondays - Uwajimystery Monday. This will be about mystery items I find at Uwajimaya. Items that have no English on them or ones that you just can’t tell what it is or you just wander why it would exist at all. I not sure I will be able to do this every week because I will not always get a chance to go to Uwajimaya all the time.
Tuesdays - Talkie Tuesdays. I will borrow this from a friend’s blog rumination reading room, she use to do this every week. I will share moves I have watched or movies I want to watch.
Wednesdays - What I’m up to Wednesdays. I will share what I’m up to either with my own work or work I am doing for other artist.
Thursdays - Thrifty Thursdays. I share items I have found in thrift shops. I love going to the goodwill or value village at least once a week. I always seem to find some amazing things. I will post pictures of what I found and how much they were.
Fridays – Featured Friday. I will feature an artist, etsy shop, video, site or any other amazing thing I might find throughout the week.
Saturdays – Hmmm, any ideas?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Currently Reading

I'm currently reading "Last Child in the Woods" by Richard Louv. Here is a short blurb about it from the internets.
"In this influential work about the staggering divide between children and the outdoors, child-advocacy expert Richard Louv directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today’s wired generation—he calls it nature-deficit disorder—to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, including the rises in obesity, attention disorders, and depression." - the internets.
I love how this book is written. It's not done in a text book fashion just listing data after data, it includes stories from interviews he did from people all over the country. It was interesting to hear a wide range of stories and memories from people young and old about growing up around and in nature. Its also interesting to hear the interviews he did of school children and how they feel about nature. Some of my favorite parts were when someone stated that if a kid back a few decades ago never left his house to play outside was considered the weird kid. Nowadays a kid is most likely considered weird if he wants to go outside and play rather then play video games. My favorite quote from the book is by a fourth-grader that says, “I like to play indoors better ‘cause that’s where all the electrical outlets are.” I haven't finished this book yet but it has already opened my eyes to just how far we have distanced ourselves from nature. I need to go hiking more.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I Wish This Was My American Life
Its true that someones trash is another mans treasure. Some people only care about the new the next thing, they easily discard perfectly good things. I love collecting those old things that might be old, but they still work well and will probably last longer then anything made today. Things today are made to be replaced, there are not many things that are built to last.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I loved the mystery of this episode. I love radio stories like this. Its so much better to just hear the sound and create your own image then just watching something unravel on a screen. Its so much more interesting unraveling in my own mind. I wish there were more radio programs like this, but I know its a dying medium, which is sad.
Here are some pictures of the things they found in the house.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Vintage Salt and Pepper Ducks
Here are my Top 6 keywords.
1. Irish chainmail
2. Mobiles kids
3. Quarter bracelet + etsy
4. Seattle shop chainmail
5. Stud iphone case
6. Vintage salt and pepper ducks
Some of these just don’t make sense, vintage salt and pepper ducks? Why the hell would any of my stuff come up in that search?
Monday, February 1, 2010
Greatest Opening Ever
When I first discovered this move it was one of those that I had no idea what it was about and I had never heard of it before. I think I was hooked within the first second, and it only got better.
Perfect Timing
We also took a little trip to Fort Casey and explored around a bit. They had refinished the concrete on one side of the fort, it looked almost new but I like the look of the aged concrete and rust and decay. I love the textures that the decay and time create. They also seemed to have more opened up and there were a few things I had never seen before so that was pretty cool. It had been over a year since I had been up to Casey which I think I need to make a point of getting up there more often, I love it there.
Later in the night I was playing around with some glow sticks I had found earlier at the drug store in Freeland. It was too light out to get some real dramatic affects plus I was a little drunk to set things up perfectly but I still got some great shots.
Anyway it was an awesome weekend and I think it was just what I needed, perfect timing.