Monday, April 5, 2010

Uwajimystery #7

Dog Poop

This weeks Uwajimystery is an item I'm just going to call Dog Poop. Not for its taste or smell, but for its look and the fact that besides it being caramel corn, its real name is in Japanese. This item seems to be aimed toward younger kids, seeing how there is a happy face on the front with a giant turd as the smile. 

How and why they decided on this specific shape, color, and texture is beyond me. You would think in the development stage you would look at this and think, wait this kind of looks like a piece of crap. Maybe this company had at one time made fake novelty poop and they are using the same extruder as they had been before. I don't know.

Apparently they are also advertising that it's now larger then before. So they have gone from Chiwawa size turds to Labrador size turds.

I wont lie, this crap is pretty tasty. It may be a bit too sweet and has a real strong maple syrup smell to it. If you can get over the look of these crusty critters they are actually quite nice. But honestly, just look at them. You might get some strange looks if you start to eat some of these on the street or on the bus. Then again if you want to sit by your self on the bus all you would have to do was place a few of these lincoln logs on the seat next to you, because who wants to sit in a pile of crap. 


  1. Ah ha! This is why Tucker must eat his own crap. I'm sure his first parents must have given these at treats and now he thinks its the same thing (only stale) when he finds them in the yard. That photo of them in the grass is proof.

  2. The Japanese name is Caramel Corn. The regular flavored ones are yellow and don't look like crap. They are tasty.
