Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Recommending You Watch

It Might Get Loud

Over the weekend I watched the documentary It Might Get Loud. I have been wanting to see this since I saw the trailer awhile back.

I must say I was not disappointed when I actually watched it. I was worried at first that it would just be these three guys sitting around talking. It goes so much deeper in to each of their careers and their styles of playing. Having these three come together is great because you have three separate generations of players.

Jimmy Page is somewhat the pioneer and laid down much of the foundation of what is played today. His style is a no nonsense one where he is just naturally talented and doesn't want or need much more then himself and a good guitar. Moving on to the Edge you see in the start of his carrere he wanted to be like those great rock and roll types he grew up listening to but he wanted to take that to the next level. The Edge bases most of his playing on manipulating the sound that he is playing. He uses filters and software that he has spent hours upon hours tweaking to get just right. Jack White's style of playing is sort of a rejection of the Edge's and even goes back even before what Jimmy Page established. Jack White wants you to be able to hear the imperfections in the instrument. He wants you hear the story of that instrument. He would rather play a guitar he found laying in the gutter then the nicest guitar that money could buy.

It was interesting to hear the story behind each of these legends. It seems like the electric guitar has had a very long time in the limelight. It will be interesting to see overtime just where it goes and who will be the next great player to take it someplace new.

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