Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Want To Watch

Werner Hertzog

I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately by Werner Hertzog. If you have never seen any of his work, you need to check it out. His films explore the boundaries of what is possible.

There is a great documentary about Werner Hertzog making one of his films. It's amazing to see just what goes into making one of his films. Here is the trailer for the documentary. I think it's pretty funny that Hertzog is making a movie about a man because of the crazy things he tried to do when in makeing the film Hertzog is trying to do the same things.

One of my favorite films I discovery from him is Encounters at the end of the World. It is a documentary about the people living and working down in Antarctica. You meet a number of people, learn their stories and what they are working on. Some of the footage is like from another world. Here is the trailer, I highly recommend you watch this whole movie.

It just so happens that he has a new movie coming out soon. It's called Cave of Forgotten Dreams. It looks amazing, even though it's in 3D.

Well this is only a small taste of Hertzog, he is defiantly someone to add to your list of films to watch.

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