Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Uwajimystery #17

Big Popcorn

I've just started working again down next to Uwajimaya so the Uwajimystery posts will probably start becoming more frequent again.

This weeks Uwajimystery, BIG POPCORN!

Now, your probably saying to yourself "But Ian, I'm still getting use to eating regular size popcorn". Well that's to damn bad because BIG POPCORN is here!

How big is it you ask?

100% BIG, that's how BIG.

What's is BIG POPCORN you ask?

I'm not really sure. There's yellow and orange insect larva looking things.

Now I'm sure you're wondering if BIG POPCORN's BIGNESS also means it's BIG on nutrition. Well have a look for yourself.

I think this speaks for itself. Giving out their number proves they have nothing to hide.

Would this guy steer you wrong?

When has corn ever disappointed you?


Is BIG POPCORN good? Sort of, if your able to handle it's size and it's uncanny resemblance to decaying molars, then sure I would give BIG POPCORN a try.

1 comment:

  1. Nice touch on calling it poopcorn in one section. Does it taste like poop? I called the number to see if I could get a little more information and misdialed at first replacing a the 8 with a 0. If you do that you reach the voicemail of a very nice woman who works for the United Methodist Church and gladly gives out her home number. If you dial correctly...it just rings endlessly.
