Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Recomend You Watch


Hunger is a film from British artist Steve McQueen. In short the film is about the 1981 Irish hunger strike, but for a more depth insight look here. For more info on the hunger strike in general look here.

The first time I tried to watch this film was on Netflix and there was something wrong with the sound and the dialog could only be heard off and on. I was a little disappointed because the scenes and cinematography were just beautiful and at first I thought Steve McQueen took a lot of artistic freedom and created some sort of silent movie to express the silence of the prisoners or something. I finally figured out that in fact the problem was with Netflix. So about a week later I watched it again when it was fixed. I have to say this movie is brutal and raw, probably the hardest thing I have watched since Schindler's list. Steve McQueen does not hold back, there is not quick cut away from something that is about to happen. If you can get past all of that this movie is really well done and has some amazing scenes. Here are some of my favorite.

This scene is actually one long uncut dialog between Bobby Sands and his Priest, it's actually longer then 10 minutes which is how long of a video you can upload on youtube.

This scene is of Bobby Sands laying in bed after not eating for over a month. He is starting to see hallucinations of birds flying.

Here is the trailer for the film.

Like I said this film is available to watch on Netflix instant view so go check it out.

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