Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Watch This


Here is an interesting documentary on the history of LSD. It was done by the BBC in the 80's but never aired until the late 90's because of the taboo subject. They were also probably worried that it would spark peoples interest in the drug as it sort of idealizes the drug throughout the film. Watching this kind of makes me want to try it, I mean what could possibly go wrong?

Here is another great documented test. 

I wonder what that lady is seeing. I remember back when I was in school when finals came around I would sometimes not sleep for 3 or 4 days strait. This was mostly because I was taking 20+ credits of art classes and I had projects and papers due in each one and sleep really was not an option. If I was to get everything done I needed to stay up night and day. Anyway, after about 3 days of not sleeping filled with writing papers and making art I would start to see things. Most of the time it was subtle things, and I always knew what I was seeing was not actually there, at least I think. I remember one time watching it rain but the rain drops were in a perfect grid and moving super slow, even through it wasn't raining, and it was sunny out. It was like the dream part of my mind and the functioning part started to merge together. I haven't stayed up that long for a while now and I actually kind of miss the feeling of utter exhaustion after completing so much, and also the hallucinations, yea defiantly the hallucinations.

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