Saturday, June 12, 2010

Somethink I Saw Today

The Rock Stacker

Tonight as I was walking in Fremont I saw a guy in the distance on the sidewalk yelling. I have seen him before about the same place across the street from the Nectar and he is clearly homeless or has some addiction or mental problems not really sure. As I got closer I could hear what he was yelling, he was yelling "Sit down Devil! Sit down!" over and over again. As I got closer still I could see that he was yelling at a stack of rocks that had one stacked on top of the other around seven feet tall. It was pretty impressive and a little sketchy because it was in the little planter area between the sidewalk and the parking spots on the street. If the stack was to fall it would probably land on one of the cars. I was amazed at how high he stacked those rocks, I just wonder how long he had been at it. I had my camera with me and I wanted to take a picture of it but I was worried about the guy because he was still dancing around the stack yelling "Sit down devil!" so I thought I would just ask him if I could take a picture. Standing about ten feet from him on the sidewalk I was about to ask him and as I opened my mouth he pointed at me and yelled "DON'T YOU FUCKING SNEEZE!" I took that as my cue to leave.

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