Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Christmas Gifts

I realized that I never posted photos of the christmas gifts that I made this year. Here are a few of what I made.

For my mom and sister I made each a wooden box out of padauk. I then filled the boxes with chocolate.

For Jay I made him a tap handle out of marble wood. I carved the simple design using a die grinder with some wood bits. It looks complicated but it's actually pretty easy.

I drew out the design on to the wood blank, for this design having a square blank actually worked to my benefit to accurately draw out the cork screw pattern.

 Then you just follow your lines.

I then forgot to take pictures of the rest of the process so through the power of magic I came out with this.

Here it is finished with some oil on it and a threaded collar inserted into the bottom to screw it onto the tap.

Well those are a few of the things I made, I have pictures of the box I made for Carmel but I can't find them at the moment so that will have to wait for another post.

1 comment:

  1. Best. Gifts. Ever! I love seeing the process of the tap handle creation!
