Sunday, May 23, 2010

Here we go

I'm Back

Well actually I have been back for a little over a week but now I'm getting back to blogging. The trip was long and mostly filled with work or work related activities and I think over the next few weeks I will share more of just what I did on the way there and also while I was in New York.

I took a time lapse of our drive out there by mounting my camera in the truck on the dash. It took a picture about every 7 seconds from the time we started in the morning until we stopped for the night. I have started putting together all 20,000+ pictures but it takes a long time on my computer. I have up through day 3 put together and for the most part it looks great except for day 2 which came out a little blurry during the day and really blurry during the night. Almost all of the day shots were acceptable and will only slightly be noticeable when sped up but most of the night shots will have to be cut out because it is basically a shot of a blurry road with some lights off in the distance. Its kind of disappointing because day 2 was our longest driving day and was also the day we drove through the Rockies, thankfully most of that was during the day and is still visible. I think the video as a whole will come out really well, speeding up the shots tends to blur them anyway so day 2 will just appear slightly hazy compared to the rest of the video. Below you can see the first 1000 pictures from the time lapse. This basically covers from when we first started until we just get over snoqualmie pass.

So in the next week or two I should finish the rest of the video. I also took a time lapse of the instillation of the sculpture over a three day period. That too is about 20,000+ pictures that I should be able to put together in a week or two. So keep a look out for those two things. I'm also going to start up trying to blog every day here again so look out for a Uwajimystery tomorrow.

Also, here are some pictures that I took while I was in New York. I didn't have much free time during the day because most of the week while I was there was spent at the gallery installing the sculpture. I did spend most of the nights wandering aimlessly throughout Manhattan and I did have about two half days which I was able to wander during the day which is when I took these pictures. I guess I didn't really take to many pictures of the iconic New York things and most of what I took was actually the small things that I found.

Anyway, I'm back.

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