Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Joshua Tree Road Trip #1

Day 1 and 2
Seattle to Portland

This is the first of many posts I will be doing on the road trip I took to Joshua tree a few weeks ago. I will be going through each day sharing just what went on and posting pictures of all the things we saw.

We left Seattle Friday evening with the goal of stopping in Portland for the night.


I drove like crazy. 

We said goodbye to Seattle and Washington for the next week or so. 

We arrived in Portland late Friday night and planned on spending all of Saturday exploring the city and then in the evening going to the opening at Portland Art Museum where John was in a show and one of the pieces I helped to make was being shown. 
We woke up early Saturday morning and searched for some coffee, luckily we stayed near the convention center so there was a starbucks on every block.  It was also nice being so close to the train line which took us directly into town and dropped us off in the middle of the Saturday/Sunday market.


We wandered around the market for awhile and bought a thing or two. It was raining but not too bad. We wandered the city for most of the rest of the day.




We grabbed some lunch and went to Powell's Books for awhile and for most of the rest of the day just wandered and snapped some pictures around town.



I guess we got a little too caught up in our wanderings that we lost track of time and ended up missing the first part of the opening at the Museum. The first part of the opening was from 6-7 in which people could go view the pieces from the artist involved in the competition. We got there just before 7 as they were closing the gallery. We were still able to get into the reception in which they would announce the winner. They had wine and lots of little finger foods that you could eat. Then they announced the winner which was John of course, you can read about it here.

After the reception we decided to grab some more food and a resterant called Produce Row. We decided to walk over there which was on the other side of the river. On our way I snapped these pictures.






Produce Row was a great restaurant with really good fresh food, I hope I can go there again sometime.

Portland was awesome and I was glad I got to explore it more, I hope to return more often. We decided not to stay out too late because in the morning we had to make a long drive all the way down to Napa Vally, which you will see in my next post.

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