Thursday, August 26, 2010

When I Open My Mouth

Don't Take Me So Seriously 

I'm going to post periodically about the things that come out of my mouth, not loogies, words. Now I say a lot of stupid things that if you don't know me you would probably take at face value mostly because I have such a strait serious face when I say them. Most of my interaction with costumer service people tends to make me mad which tends for me to become sarcastic, only my humor can walk a fine line between sarcasm and something that may well be real. It sometimes gets me into trouble when people don't realize I'm joking so I think I'll share those interactions from time to time so you can laugh with me.

Here is an interaction I had with a checker today while I was at Safeway completing my checkout.

Checker - Would you like to round up your purchase to support Muscular Dystrophy?
Me - Would you like to round down to help support the Ian Gill Foundation?
Checker - (Stares blankly at me with increasingly scowling eyes)
Me - We could really use the help.
Checker - I'll take that as a no.
Me - Me too.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant Ian, I'm sure she was thinking "asshole" but I like it.
