I'm Back
Well it's been another long stretch where I haven't blogged. It's been a busy past few months which is why I haven't blogged at all. I've been working really hard and also been on vacation for a few weeks. Exactly one month ago I headed off to Europe to meet up with Carmel. What I am going to try and do the next few weeks is to share with you my trip with stories and pictures going day by day starting with my first day of travel which was June 6th.
On June 6th I spent all of the day in transit to Europe, Frankfurt Germany to be exact. Unfortunately I spent the nigt before I left sick with food poisoning so I arrived at the airport in Seattle early in the morning tired and sick. The first leg on my journey would take me up to Vancouver. It was a very short flight and I got some good pictures of the sound along the way.

I arrived in Vancouver with about 5 hours to kill before my flight to Frankfurt. I had planned to maybe go into town for a hour or two to maybe grab some lunch or just wander but I was still tired and sick from the night before. I decided to just stay at the air port. I wrote in my journal about what I thought of the airport at the time.
The Vancouver airport is so theatrical. It's almost as if the fact that people are leaving on airplanes is just something done on the side. The real show is all the shops and the atmosphere around them. They try to squeeze every cent out of you before you leave. There is this one part when you walk to your gate that you are forced to walk through a duty free shop. Then the food court is set up like an outdoor scene with running water and fake rocks and logs strewn about. If you look up at the ceiling you can actually see theatrical lights. It's almost as if you expect a play to break out any second or someone to start singing a musical. It was definitely designed by someone with a theatrical background. I don't like it. They are trying to make it something it's not. It's so cold and off-putting. It's like someones bad dream of what nature is suppose to look like.
I was able to find a quiet spot near my gate to catch at least an hour or so of sleep so I felt a little better when I at last boarded my flight to Frankfurt.

After a long layover I finally boarded my flight to Frankfurt. I was hoping to get some good sleep, as I had not slept more then a few hours the past multiple nights. Unfortunately, this flight was full of kids. A few that were made sure that everyone knew that this was the worst experience of their life. I think I managed a few hours here and there but over all I did not get any rest on this flight.

June 6th was a day completely dedicated to travel and waiting. I did nothing else that day, I was in transit the whole day. I would arrive in Frankfurt on June 7th around 1pm very tired and groggy.
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